History of Our BUSINESS

About us

It all started as a job at a local Tyre garage for me

a bit of history

I never intended to open my own business as it was simply a job, for me to get some weekend money at the age of 18. I went into this job knowing absolutely nothing about the Tyre business, but it didn’t take me long to pick up particular skills and start to learn the trade. It also didn’t take long for me to fall in love with the job, meeting customers and working in a garage.

I was there for around 18 months when I started to think about making it a full-time career. It was then that I started looking into opening my own Tyre business. It didn’t take long for me to find a local garage. My Grandad who has been in the motor trade for over 25 years, had a garage in Spencer Street, Gravesend. This was only used to store tools ready for me.


Luke’s Tyres Business Premises


We have expanded our business every year. We have struggled to meet the demands of local people in our small garage, as we were having to work outside in the road. We required a larger working area and decided last year that we needed to move to a bigger premises, in order to cope with the influx of regular custom.

We’ve been actively using social media to enable our customers to know, we were going to move into our new premises in March 2019. My dad has provided and designed a great little waiting area, complete with chairs, a Tv, and a drinks machine. This is all whilst myself and Jordan, have carried on working in Spencer St.

In our new premises, we have more Tyre machines and more parking bays, in order to reduce the waiting times of our customers. Now we’re at the Canal Basin, Albion Parade our new home for the business. Our regular deliveries from Germany has allowed us to provide a greater selection of quality Tyres for our customers. We will continue to offer fair prices to the local community, whilst making sure we are cheaper than all our rivals.


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